Jan 2020 – From the Pastor’s Desk

Happy New Year everyone!

It is a special time; we are entering a new decade…it’s 2020! When I reflect on that it seems almost unbelievable! Memories of past years flash through my mind and I realize I have been in ministry in one way or another for 25 years! I think of all the people I have been blessed with working alongside throughout the years and the special times we’ve shared, the friendships we’ve gained. Just recently, I reminisced about a youth trip way back in 1996 to Chicago and all the great memories of that time! Wow! I am humbled by the awesome responsibility I have been given and the ways God has used this path to create and accomplish many things!

We have just celebrated the bringing in of a new year. 2020 has arrived and with that we have another blank calendar to begin filling in with our ministry goals, our vision and what our tomorrows look like in light of God’s guidance! One day at my desk, I had come across my introduction flyer from when I was to be appointed to this church in 2012. It speaks to what I hoped was to be our shared ministry… I described my leadership style as a partnership. Feeling “very strongly that working together is the best way to accomplish anything and having the love of Jesus at the center of all we do is vital. When we ground it all there first, our path will be very strong. God doesn’t lead us astray and often shows us amazing things along the way!
How true that has been. Throughout the eight years, when we have worked together, we have accomplished so much! During the month of January, we try to celebrate leadership and recognize some of the things we have experienced together and how it impacts us. We lift up the gifts and graces God has blessed us with and let everyone know who is responsible for what on our leadership ladder.
We have been most blessed with the warming of our spirits and our relationships! And I give praise and thanks for the ways God has moved among us! I am most thankful for those who have been open and willing to step into and going deeper with leadership responsibilities. I have a strong aversion to “do it my way” leadership and find that working together accomplishes far more than what anyone could do on their own. What is happening around us currently certainly reflects this thought!
Please join us on January 12 and help us celebrate leadership in our church! I also want to give sincere thanks to those who have worked hard to hang in there and participate in leadership roles, YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE! And for those of you who continue to participate in the positive things taking place here…I give thanks for you, as well! God is good and continues to bless us…your leadership is important and needed!

Here’s to 2020 in God’s ministry together!