Holy Spirit Cafe – Coffee Making Assistant

Thanks for helping make coffee.  You will oversee the Holy Spirit Cafe.  It is the goal to have coffee started and ready by 9:15am on Sunday morning.

  1. Start with a pot of hot water to get the coffeemaker warmed up.
      1. Please keep 1 coffee pot and 1 server just for water. (You can tell by how they look inside)
  2. Make 1 pot of Regular Coffee
  3. Make 1 pot of Decaf Coffee
  4. Make 1 pot of the flavor Coffee you choose
  5. Make an additional pot of regular and pot of water to leave on the warmers to use as needed
To make –
  1. Use 1 1/2 scoops per pot, you may adjust according to your taste
  2. Filters can be found in the same cabinet as the coffee grounds
  3. Scoops & signs are in black drawers on the serving cart
  4. There is an opaque pitcher to use to refill pot – fill to line for each pot you make
To Serve –
  1. Put out the beverage mixes (hot cocoa, chai, and cappuccino (2), cups and the basket that contains lids, sugar, creamer, straws, tea bags, napkins, and the donation container.
  2. Cookies / treats are usually in the cabinet where the cups are.  You are welcome to bake or bring your own.
  3. Garbage cans are under the sink. Put one out on the end of the counter, the other for your use by the sink.
Clean Up –
  1. Clean up can be done prior to service starting or after the service.
  2. After the service, give money to Mary or put in a bag labelled “Holy Spirit Cafe” and put with the offering.
  3. Zip-lock baggies a or covered containers are available to store the leftover cookies to keep fresh.
  4. Gather both garbage bags and take them outside to the containers on the west side of the church in the courtyard.
  5. Empty, wipe down, and put away each coffee server and serving spoons.
  6. Wipe the serving counters with a bleach wipe.
  7. Put all other items back in their place.
  8. Put the cabinets away with the doors facing the wall.
Contact Mary G if something is needed or if you have questions.
Thank you for helping the Holy Spirit Cafe.