We have many special areas within our faith family.

Being aware of the needs of our church, our community and many other areas,

it give us depth of understanding and ability to support those needs.

  • Endowment Fund
  • Schwartz Scholarship
  • Compassion Fund
  • Memorial Committee
  • Trustee Committee
  • silver bucket
  • Worship  duties
Endowment Fund

The Endowment Fund was created in 2002 with a generous gift from Florence Soderman. the intent was to develop and sustain ministries for the LUMC.

Annually, the committee reviews requests and disburses the interest towards worthwhile projects including technology & other improvements for our church. This area is cared for by the Endowment Fun Committee Members

Schwartz Scholarship

The Schwartz Scholarship Fund was created by a generous donation of $100,000 by John Schwartz & Ethel Schwartz.

This award began in 1999 and is given to graduates of the LUMC. So far, more than 90 scholarships and over $125,000 has been awarded to our youth to further their education.

Compassion Fund

This church is blessed to have a fund set aside called The Compassion Fund. This fund is designated to help members and visitors in our community when they are in need.

This fund is supported by the Chocolate Buffet and other avenues like the Silver bucket.

Memorial Committee

The Memorial Committee provides a place for those to lift up the memories of our loved ones through a fund which takes gifts and uses them to support our church in a variety of ways.

The memorial funds have funded remodeling projects, the kitchen upgrades, purchases to support our ministries, and created a special All Saints Day program each November that celebrates births and the lives of those who have gone.

Trustee Committee

The building in which we worship is an important area where we worship and spend time.

Our trustees are responsible for this area and meet bi-monthly to review areas of concern and plan projects.

Heating, cooling, updates to the roof & plumbing are just a few areas that are ongoing.

silver bucket

The Silver Bucket has been around for many years where each month we lift up missions whether local like the Share Program, the Food Shelf or more national or international like the Heifer Project.

This area is cared for by the Membership & Missions Committee (M&M) of our Church

Worship  duties

We believe that active participation in the life of the church is essential for spiritual growth and for building a strong, supportive community.

We value and appreciate all forms of support, whether it's financial, volunteering, or active participation in our church activities.

We often overlook the effort required to conduct a worship service. Consider contributing your time and skills to our services.

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